Seven is a sign of perfection in the bible, and the seven words in Psalm 46:10 might be a perfect prayer.

Be still and know that I am God.

Let’s pray this in a new way today, beginning with the first word, and building from there.

Be…In a world that emphasizes doing, Lord help me simply be, so I may dwell in your grace, your mercy, your love.

Be still…Heavenly Father – You speak most clearly in silence. Help us quiet the noise, that we could hear your still small voice.

Be still and know…You are the Father of Wisdom – give us eyes to properly apply the knowledge of the true, good and beautiful in discerning your will.

Be still and know that I AM…You described yourself to Moses as the great, “I AM.“ Inspire in us a renewed sense of awe and wonder of you as our Divine Creator.

Be still and know that I am God…Father of grace and mercy, you are love itself. We thank you for every good grace you afford us – help us to shine the light of your love into the world. Amen.
