Have you heard the story of the man living in a house facing an imminent flood? An authority drives by to recommend the homeowners evacuate. The man responds, “I have faith that God will save me,” and ignores the ride.

The floodwaters begin to rise, forcing the man to the second floor of the home, and authorities send out a rescue boat. The man again declines, exclaiming, “I have faith that God will save me!”

The waters continue to rise, forcing the man to his roof. A helicopter flies by and beckons him to hop in. The man again responds, “I have faith that God will save me!”

The waters soon overcome the house, and tragically, the man drowns. He is taken to the judgment seat, where he is incredulous. “I am a man of great faith in God – why didn’t He save of me?!” The judge responds, “Well we sent a car, and a boat, and a helicopter…”

The moral of this tongue in cheek story is that God works through various means, including other people. Jesus draws us together into the body of Christ, as a community, the Church. We are designed to bear one other’s burdens, and to lift one another in times of trial.

Some disparage the Church as, “a crutch,” but like the man in the story, we ignore these gifts God to our peril.

Let’s pray – Father of Grace and Mercy. You call us to faith in you. Help us recognize the many ways you answer that faith, including through the community around us. Amen.
