As an agnostic, I questioned a lot. I believed there had to be a creator - the world seemed far too complex, with too many contingencies, to be an evolutionary accident. But it felt like this creator had spun the world into existence, threw up his hands, and wished us all best of luck in sorting life out. God seemed far off and unapproachable.

As I came to faith, I realized that not only is God approachable, He is also an intimate and loving Father that longs for relationship with you and me, His beloved creations.

God listens. He responds. Maybe not immediately, or in the way we would hope, but He is not remote or aloof. He loves you deeply, and has a loving plan for you and your life.

Let’s listen to how God, who is love, encourages us to approach Him, in the gospel of Saint Matthew:

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Let’s pray – Father of grace and mercy – you thirst for your children to approach and know you. Help us to rest in the comfort of your love, and grant us the confidence to ask, seek and knock, knowing the door of your love will be opened to us. Amen.
